Discovering New Avenues in Digital World

Changing Trends in Healthcare

Indian Ganges Ghats

People travel to distant countries, not for sight seeing anymore! The reason being, they want to avail opportunity of treatment, if it is unavailable or out of their budget in their own country. This changing trend of tourism is given the name, Medical Tourism.

Person travelling to distant countries may avail similar treatment, at a lesser expense, with added facility of enjoying travel and hospitality, of the host country. This trend is making travel and treatment, an enjoyable experience, for International patients.

DNA Box can make this whole experience, a memorable one, by acting as interface between physicians and  treatment seekers in United States and Indian subcontinent.

Earlier patient from developing countries, who could afford expensive treatment, use to travel to developed countries, for treatment as surgeries and other therapies, unavailable in their own country.

Now the trend is shifting, people from developed countries, are also taking advantage of health facilities, available in other nations, to manage in, limited budget and overcome pressure of health insurance costs, in their country of residence.

Being healthy and availing good Healthcare is everyone’s right.

This helps healthcare seekers to know the culture of neighbor countries, also explore, beyond global boundaries and increase chances to learn, more about world and culture.