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Stroke- CerebroVascular Accident(CVA)

Stroke | Neurological Ailments |DNA Box

The brain is a complex organ and controls different body functions. Stroke or CerebroVascular Accident (CVA) is another huge category of neurological ailments which is caused due to lack of supply of Oxygen to some parts of brain resulting in cell death.

When stroke occurs, blood flow can not reach certain brain regions and body functions controlled by that part of brain, come to a halt, stop functioning. Effect of the stroke depends upon the amount of brain region obstruction, brain tissue injury and related body part function.

Prevention of oxygen and nutrient supply to brain tissue results in brain cell death within minutes which is a medical emergency. Immediate medical attention and action is required to prevent brain damage and other complications.

There are three types of stroke:

  • Ischemic Stroke (caused due to lack of Blood and Oxygen supply),
  • Hemorrhagic Stroke (caused due to sudden rupture of blood capillaries and bleeding in brain),
  • Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) or Mini Stroke or Pre-Stroke (caused by brief lack of oxygen supply and disappears within 24 hours).

As one side of brain controls opposite side of body functions, the stroke that effect one side of brain, will cause neurological complication on other side of body, it controls. If stroke involves back side of brain then vision disability might be the result.

Damage to the brain occurs due to lack of oxygen and capillary bursting. The main causes of Stroke, are as follows:

  • Ischemia(Loss of Blood and Oxygen Supply),
  • Hemorrhage (Bleeding in brain),
  • Stress (increase in cortisol and other hormones due to stress, which results in salt retention and leads to high blood pressure),
  • High Blood Pressure,
  • High Cholesterol,
  • Diabetes,
  • Smoking.

Each stroke is unique and affects patients in different ways with some common symptoms. Spread and increase in health literacy may help in early diagnosis of the symptoms, proper care and start of treatment, at the right time.

Stroke also results in various emotional changes in person effected. Stroke survivor may behave in one way or other, after the storm! These changes are the result of biological and psychological changes in brain after stroke!